Monday, October 13, 2014

Appreciation Post! (with plenty of exclamation points, which I usually hate!)

I’ve met at least 20 other au pairs at this point, and heard at least half as many horror stories about theirs and other au pairs’ experiences with their host families. Each story makes me more and more grateful for mine.

Out of all the situations I’ve heard of thus far, I definitely have it the best with my host family. I couldn’t ask for any better! As I said in my last post, the kids have been getting sick rather often the last couple weeks, which means more work for me, but I haven’t minded at all because I really love them and it’s not a big deal to get them at school and give them medicine or whatever. Even so, though, Laetitia came home early Friday night and handed me a little Sephora bag saying she felt bad for me the last couple weeks, so she bought me a gift – it was Chanel nail polish! In a color I’ve been looking for since I came here! (She got Chanel because, she said, it’s very French.) I thought that was the most thoughtful thing. I’m seriously the luckiest in the world.

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